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In this episode of The Woof Meow Show on July 22, 2017, the second in a two-part series on vaccinations for dogs, Kate and Don talk with Dr. Judy Herman of the Animal Wellness Center in Augusta, Maine. In this show, we start by discussing what the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) classifies as non-core vaccines, those not required by every dog.
The first vaccine we discuss is the one for Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex (CIRDC), more commonly known as canine cough, or sometimes kennel cough. Dr. Herman’s starts off by explaining that there are many infectious agents that can cause upper respiratory disease in a dog. This is a vaccination that should be considered for a dog that is around other dogs, such as a show dog, a dog that boards or goes to daycare, a dog that visits the dog park, or any dog that is frequently around other dogs. She explains that they are various types of vaccines; intranasal, intraoral, and injectable, which should not be mixed. Dr. Herman also discusses the homeopathic nosode for kennel cough, which she has found to be very effective.
Nosodes are not a vaccine. They are a type of homeopathic remedy that is made from diseased tissue or discharge. Nosodes do not work the same as a vaccine and do not give one immunity. The nosode stimulates the body’s immune system to fight off the disease. Typically the kennel cough nosode is given before potential exposure, such as before a boarding stay. Unlike a vaccine, it does not offer long-term protection. The kennel cough nosode has been researched by Dr. Christopher Day in England. The study indicated that the dogs that received the nosode had little or no symptoms.
Green Acres Kennel Shop does accept the Kennel Cough vaccine instead of the canine cough vaccine as long as a client provides proof that the nosode was prescribed and dispensed by their dog’s veterinarian. Nosodes are not something you should purchase and administer without a veterinary guidance.
Don asked, and Dr. Herman explains, why dogs that are vaccinated for CIRDC still sometimes come down with the symptoms of canine cough. Vaccines do not always work with some animals, just like the flu vaccine used with humans does not always work.
In segment two, we discuss canine Leptospirosis, a vaccine against the Leptospirosis bacteria. This bacteria is passed in the urine of rodent’s skunks, raccoons, beavers, porcupines, and other wildlife. This bacteria survives in pools of stagnant water. It is seen more frequently in city dogs and smaller dogs. It causes acute kidney disease which can be treated. You need to assess your dog’s potential exposure to these risks before you decide if this vaccine makes sense for your dog. Dr. Herman indicates that there are adverse reactions to this vaccine and that it should not be given to puppies under 12 weeks of age. Although the Leptospirosis vaccine is supposed to be good for a year, many experts are not confident that it is effective for that long. There are several different types of Leptospirosis, but the vaccine does typically not cover all of these types. There is a nosode for Leptospirosis which would be available from homeopathic veterinarians. In Cuba, a Leptospirosis nosode has been used with humans, where Leptospirosis is a problem, with great success.
Lyme disease and the vaccines for it is the subject of segment three of our show. Lyme has been a concern in New England since the late 70’s, and with tick populations on the rise, it is becoming of greater concern. Specialists indicate that symptoms are more likely in; dogs less than two and immune-compromised dogs. Ninety percent of dogs infected with Lyme do not get sick. The best way to prevent Lyme is by preventing ticks. The vaccine is about 70% effective. There is a nosode for Lyme, but there are questions as to what protocol one would use.
Prevention through repellents, and checking your dog on a regular basis is the best bet for preventing Lyme. If your dog has already been exposed to Lyme, it is questionable whether or not the Lyme vaccine would be helpful. Also, the vaccine does not prevent Lyme Nephritis (inflammation of the kidneys).
Lastly, we discuss adverse reactions to vaccines; what to look for and what to do. An acute anaphylactic reaction usually occurs in the first fifteen minutes after a vaccine. Symptoms include the face swelling up, breathing impairment, and shock, which will need immediate treatment by a veterinarian. Other symptoms include fever, vomiting, and diarrhea, and may not occur as much as a week later. Dr. Herman has also seen dogs have seizures post-vaccine. Adverse reactions to vaccines should be reported to your veterinarian and (AAHA website?)
Long-term adverse reactions can be immune mediated skin disease, thyroid disease, and even behavioral changes.
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To Contact Dr. Herman
Animal Wellness Center
95 Northern Avenue, Augusta, ME 04330
(207) 623-1177
Website: http://www.judithhermandvm.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mainehomeopathicvet/
Recommended Resources
Vaccinations–Interviews with Dr. Ron Schultz – http://blog.greenacreskennel.com/2013/07/15/vaccinations-interviews-with-dr-ron-schultz/
How to Report Adverse Reactions to Vaccines, Drugs, Devices, Foods, and Flea and Tick Products – http://bit.ly/ReportAdverseReactions
Complementary Medicine – Tikken – Vaccines, Aggression & Homeopathy — http://blog.greenacreskennel.com/2014/10/06/complementary-medicine-tikken-vaccines-aggression-homeopathy/
Shared Blog Post – It’s Time to Put a Stop to the Mindless Over-Vaccination of Pets – http://blog.greenacreskennel.com/2017/07/05/shared-blog-post-its-time-to-put-a-stop-to-the-mindless-over-vaccination-of-pets/
Podcast – A Holistic Approach to Vaccines for Dogs – Part 1 w/Dr. Judy Herman –
Meet the Veterinarian with Dr. Judy Herman from the Animal Wellness Center — http://traffic.libsyn.com/woofmeowshow/WoofMeowShow-2014-07-12-Meet_the_Vet_Judy_Herman.mp3
Vaccinations- Why they are important, Core Vaccines & Vaccination Schedules w/Dr. Ronald Schultz (June 22nd, 2013) – http://traffic.libsyn.com/woofmeowshow/WoofMeowShow-2013-06-22-Vaccinations-1.mp3
Vaccinations, Titer Testing, Non-Core Vaccines and Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex with Dr. Ron Schultz (June 29th, 2013) – http://traffic.libsyn.com/woofmeowshow/WoofMeowShow-2013-06-29-Vaccinations-2.mp3
Vaccinations– Non-Core Vaccines for Cats and Adverse Reactions to Vaccines with Dr. Ron Schultz (July 6th, 2013) – http://traffic.libsyn.com/woofmeowshow/WoofMeowShow-2013-07-06-Vaccinations-3.mp3
Vaccinations – The Rabies Challenge Fund with Dr. Ron Schultz (July 13th, 2013) – http://traffic.libsyn.com/woofmeowshow/WoofMeowShow-2013-07-13-Vaccinations-Rabies_Challenge_Fund.mp3
Podcast – Holistic and Complementary Wellness for Pets – Our Personal Journey — http://blog.greenacreskennel.com/2016/10/08/podcast-holistic-and-complementary-wellness-for-pets-our-personal-journey/
Veterinary Homeopathy – Part 1 with Dr. Judy Herman from the Animal Wellness Center in Augusta — http://traffic.libsyn.com/woofmeowshow/WoofMeowShow-2014-07-26-Veterinary_Homeopathy_Judy_Herman_Part-1.mp3
Veterinary Homeopathy – Part 2 with Dr. Judy Herman from the Animal Wellness Center in Augusta — http://traffic.libsyn.com/woofmeowshow/WoofMeowShow-2014-08-02-Veterinary_Homeopathy_Judy_Herman_Part-2.mp3
Veterinary Homeopathy – Part 3 with Dr. Judy Herman from the Animal Wellness Center in Augusta — http://traffic.libsyn.com/woofmeowshow/WoofMeowShow-2014-08-09-Veterinary_Homeopathy_Judy_Herman_Part-3.mp3
Holistic Veterinary Medicine and Homeopathy with Dr. Judy Herman from the Animal Wellness Center – part 1 —http://traffic.libsyn.com/woofmeowshow/WoofMeowShow-2011-09-17-Holistic_and_Homeopathy-part-1.mp3
Holistic Veterinary Medicine and Homeopathy with Dr. Judy Herman from the Animal Wellness Center – part 2 —http://traffic.libsyn.com/woofmeowshow/WoofMeowShow-2011-09-24-Holistic_and_Homeopathy-part-2.mp3
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