Learn to Appreciate Your Dogs Nose!
Mighty Dog Graphics ( https://www.facebook.com/mightydoggraphics/ ) is located in Dublin, Ireland. They create some excellent educational posters for pet parents and pet care professionals. They have graciously allowed us to share some of these posters with you.
Spring has finally sprung, and in case you have not noticed, your dog is probably attracted to all of the new scents in the air. Rather than let your dog’s busy nose frustrate you, why not revel and rejoice in your dog’s amazing olfactory abilities.
Sniffing is essential to your dog’s very existence. Dogs use their nose to survive
and for the pure joy of discovery. Not allowing your dog to use their nose, or getting upset when they stop to take a whiff while on your walk, is like someone preventing from you doing something you find essential in your life.
If you find your dog’s need to sniff slows you down on your walk, then leave your dog at home and walk for your enjoyment. However, remember that when you get back home, you owe the dog a walk that is solely focused on their needs. Let your dog sniff and explore. Your dog will be both mentally and physically stimulated and happy.
Please do NOT forbid the sniffing!
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