After Batman had passed in April of 2013, we talked about getting another cat, but Paula indicated she was not ready. That was until a June day in 2014 when she came home with Hanger.
Hanger was 12 years old and in need of a home when Paula found her at the ARK in Cherryfield, ME. She was named Hanger because apparently as a kitten she enjoyed hanging on window screens.
Hanger settled into our home very quickly, extremely tolerant of Muppy’s curiosity about the new addition sitting in Paula’s lap every night. If Paula was in her recliner, the odds were Hanger would be either on her lap or lying on her chest.
In December Hanger was having some issues with one of her ears which ended up being diagnosed as a squamous cell carcinoma in January. The typical surgical intervention, removal of the ear canal, would have been quite traumatic for Hanger so on the advice of Hanger’s veterinarian we elected to explore other options. Working with our homeopathic veterinarian, we saw significant improvement and all of the lesions in Hanger’s ear disappeared very quickly.
Unfortunately by July of 2015 Hanger had become less social, ate less and was losing weight. While additional treatments helped some, she had not eaten for the past few days. At her examination on August 4th, 2014 it was evident that she had a growth inside her nasal cavity which was making it difficult if not impossible to eat. Sadly we decided it was time to help her cross the Rainbow Bridge.
Hanger you were only with us for a short time, but you fit right in and we feel fortunate to have had you as part of our family. Hanger, rest easy and thank you for sharing your life with us.
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