This morning FaceBook reminded of a series of blog posts from Dr. Sophia Yin that I shared four years ago. If you are an animal trainer or aspire to be one, if you are interested in training or psychology, or if you are a science history geek, I believe you will find these four articles enlightening.
These four links are to two blog articles on Dr. Sophia Yin’s blog page where she has published her interview with Bob and Marian Bailey about the best animal trainers in history. I was very fortunate to have attended the same seminar that Dr. Yin did and heard some of this important history firsthand and had an opportunity to learn from two of the best animal trainers in history; Marian and Bob Bailey. Thank you to Dr. Yin for publishing this interview and Thank you to Marian and Bob Bailey for all that you taught me..
The Best Animal Trainers in History: Interview with Bob and Marian Bailey, Part 1 – https://drsophiayin.com/blog/entry/the-best-animal-trainers-in-history-interview-with-bob-and-marian-bailey/
The Best Animal Trainers in History: Interview with Bob and Marian Bailey, Part 2 – https://drsophiayin.com/blog/entry/the-best-animal-trainers-in-history-interview-with-bob-and-marian-bailey-2/
The next two articles discuss some of the training accomplishments of Animal Behavior Enterprises where Keller Breland, and Marian and Bob Bailey did much of their pioneering training work with animals.
Keller and Marian Breland Create the Field of Applied Animal Psychology – https://drsophiayin.com/blog/entry/animal-behavior-enterprises-creates-the-field-of-applied-animal-psychology/
How Technology from 30 Years Ago is Helping Military Dogs Perform Better Now – https://drsophiayin.com/blog/entry/how-technology-from-30-years-ago-is-helping-military-dogs-perform-better-no/
How I Trained A Chicken – http://blog.greenacreskennel.com/2015/07/19/training-how-i-trained-a-chicken/
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