Book Review – A Kids’ Comprehensive Guide to Speaking Dog! by Niki Tudge

< Updated 13MAR20 >

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If your family includes children and a dog, if you have children that spend time with friends and family members that have a dog, or if you have a dog that spends any time around children, you, your children, and your dog will benefit from your reading A Kids’ Comprehensive Guide to Speaking Dog! by Niki Tudge.

The goal of this new book from author Niki Tudge and Doggone Safe is to provide a resource that anyone can use to teach children how to be safe around dogs by teaching them how to “speak dog.” As a dog training instructor that teaches both adults and children how to train their dogs, we make teaching canine body language part of our classes. What I have learned over the past 22 years is that before taking a dog training class, even most adults are not aware of most aspects of “speaking dog,” which is why I believe this book will be of value to both children and adults.

A Kids’ Comprehensive Guide to Speaking Dog! is written to be used as an interactive resource and uses cartoons and photographs to illustrate body language dogs use to signal when they are happy, afraid, and angry. By teaching children, and adults, how to read and respond to these signs the book helps keep people and dogs safe. The world is full of children and dogs, and it is essential that we teach them how to interact safely. A Kids’ Comprehensive Guide to Speaking Dog! combined with a parent or teacher does just that.  I give this book five paws!

You can purchase A Kids’ Comprehensive Guide to Speaking Dog! at Green Acres Kennel Shop.

Recommended Resources

Articles on Don’s Blog ( )

Especially for New Dog Parents

Especially for New Puppy Parents

Dog Behavior – Introduction to Canine Communication

Book Review – Living with Kids and Dogs…Without Losing Your Mind: A Parent’s Guide to Controlling the Chaos by Colleen Pelar

Book Review – On Talking Terms with Dogs: Calming Signals by Turid Rugaas

Body Language of Fear and Aggression – Dr. Sophia Yin

Canine Body Language – How To Greet A Dog and What to Avoid – Dr. Sophia Yin

Podcasts from The Woof Meow Show ( )

Dog Bite Prevention & Doggone Safe with Teresa Lewin of Doggone Safe- part 1

Dog Bite Prevention & Doggone Safe with Teresa Lewin of Doggone Safe- part 2

Thoughts on a Kids & Dogs Seminar

Web Sites

Doggone Safe

The Pet Professional Guild

Green Acres Kennel Shop

©10-Jan-18, Donald J. Hanson, All Rights Reserved
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PODCAST – Listener Questions #16 and #17

WMS badgeDon and Kate have recently completed two new Woof Meow Show episodes where we answer a variety of questions.

Listener Questions #17. This week’s questions include; What do I need to do before I get my new kitten?, My dog screams when I leave him alone and gets destructive chewing on things. What can I do to stop the chewing?, I’ve just adopted an 8 m/o old dog and my son is nervous around the dog and that seems to make the dog anxious. What should I be doing?, Our dog will grab things that he is not supposed to have (socks, paper towel with bacon grease, chicken bones, etc.). He then growls and snaps at us when we try to get it back. What should we do? and My dog eats her feces. What can I do to stop her? – You can listen to this episode of The Woof Meow Show at:

Listener Questions #18. This week’s questions include; How old should a puppy be at its first grooming? Can a dog get too much exercise?, My boyfriend and I are going to move in together. I have two dogs and he has one but we’re worried about them getting along. What should we be doing ahead of time? How important is water for our pets? Do we need to be concerned about radon, arsenic, bacteria and other things in the water? We have an older cat and just adopted a kitten and they’re not getting along. What should we do? and Our neighbors think our dog is aggressive. Can you evaluate our dog and certify that he is not aggressive? – You can listen to this episode of The Woof Meow Show at:

You can download these episodes of The Woof Meow Show at the Apple iTunes store, or you can download them at:

For more information on the Woof Meow Show go to:

©2015, Donald J. Hanson, All Rights Reserved <Click for Copyright and Use Policy>