I have been rotating what I feed my pets for years, and at Green Acres Kennel Shop we have been recommending dietary rotation to clients at least since 2012 when our Operations Manager Kate wrote about her experience rotating diets in our newsletter that May ( FMI – http://bit.ly/DietRotation ).
On April 12th of this year, veterinarian Jean Dodds of Hemopet and NutriScan published an article on her blog on the same topic. The following are some of the key quotes from Dr. Dodds’ article.
“Like humans, dogs should be eating a variety of nutritious foods, and not living on just one specific formula.”
“No one dietary formula, no matter how “complete and balanced” it is, can meet all of an animal’s nutritional needs over an extended period.”
“There is no one “perfect” food or perfect food combination that provides everything a human or animal needs to create optimum health over long periods.”
“Rotating protein sources not only ensures your pet will benefit from a varied amino acid and nutrient profile, it also reduces the risk he will form an intolerance to any specific animal protein source over time.”
You can read Dr. Dodds entire post, and I encourage you to do so, at https://nutriscan.org/food-transitioning-versus-food-rotating-what-is-the-difference